Everyone believes that Lenora Hope is a mass murderer. 

When the Hope family was massacred decades ago, she was the only one left after that tragic night.

Mute, paralysed and confined to a wheelchair, Lenora has never been able to tell her side of the story. 

Until her new live-in caregiver Kit brings her a typewriter. 

And with one working finger Lenora begins to type: 

I want to tell you everything.


Firstly a HUGE Thankyou to the publishers for my review copy and for inviting me to take part on the blog tour. Todays my turn so here are my thoughts on this newly released gothic chiller …

At seventeen Lenora Hope,

hung her sister with a rope.

Stabbed her father with a knife .

Took her mothers happy life.

Its 1929 and the affluent Hope family are all found murdered in their mansion perched high on a cliffs edge. The only survivor is their daughter Leonora who is found covered in blood.

“ it wasn’t me “ she said.

Fast forward and it’s now 1983 Leonora is now an old lady and in need of around the clock care having suffered severe strokes. Her previous care giver vanished without a word in the middle of the night and our protagonist Kit takes up the position at the crumbling mansion aptly named “ last hope”.

Kit has a very ingeresting back story that only heightens the intensity of this unfolding mystery, and as Leonora and kit start to communicate via a crusty old type writer and two taps for yes and one for no, the story of her families murder starts to be drip fed to a curious Kit. Noises in the night, footsteps and shadows all add to the spooky, intense and highly atmospheric read, that I feel is perfect for a windy dark autumnal night. I devoured this book on a warm June night but it still sent chills down my spine.

Honestly THIS BOOK!!!!

Riley sager has long worn the crown as king of gothic in my eyes. But WOW he surpassed himself here.

His thrillers are known for that edgy, eerie vibe and laced with just the right amount of subtle horror and The only one left sealed the deal for me and is hands down my favourite so far . I adored Lock every door and Home before dark and have several more on my tbr pile but this read was intriguing, twisty and atmospheric and the very definition of a page turner. It’s right up there with my favourite thriller reads. Boy can this guy write ! With the ability to unsettle, agitate and excite me as a reader while leaving me literally stumped throughout, wanting to scream and desperate to know more .

I was genuinely enthralled by Leonoras story as well as how it intertwined with Kits, the crumbling mansion, suspicion and ouji board references elevated my excitement levels and love for this book and I was kept guessing and reevaluating the suspects and the circumstances of the Hope family murder until the very, very end which also was a surprise in itself.

The storyline and plot are so unique, it’s tense, it’s scary – it’s utterly brilliant! It is a massive 5 star higher recommended read from me

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