Billed as the Whisper Man meets The Chalk Man with the paranoia of The Blair Witch Project in this chilling suspense thriller I simply had to get my hands on an early review copy and the always lovely Sabah posted me one out the next day so a HUGE Thankyou to her!

That’s the one.
That’s the girl who’s going to die.

I didn’t believe in the Rule of Three. Not at first.
It was just one of those urban myths you hear about all the time.
A story my boyfriend told me about a girl cursed by the number three.
A girl whose parents had killed themselves after her sibling had died in an accident.
Which meant that she was doomed to die too because that’s the Rule of Three.

Bad things always happen in threes, they say, and they are right.
Because it’s happening again.
But this time the curse is coming for me.
And worst of all?
It’s coming for you, too.


MY STAR RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is one of the most unique approaches to writing a thriller I’ve ever come across. It’s genius and so compelling that it blew me away!

It’s a creepy, tingles down your spine kind of read, that completely sucks you in and holds you captive. I loved the urban legend and the Final destination vibes…. a creepy 90’s horror film based on that fact that death has a design and when it’s your turn you can’t avoid it, it will stalk you until the end.

Que some grisly, outlandish deaths playing in the whole idea of fatalism, predestination, precognition and fate versus luck and freewill.

From the beginning we get to know Amy an unreliable POV or so I thought, she has suffered huge loss in her young life, and is struggling with her mental health, she feels as if she is in danger and she is scared.

She believes death came for her family and is coming for her, and that death always comes in threes. Initially I have to admit I felt this was going to be a chilling thriller narrated by a messed up, paranoid protagonist not unlike so many thrillers I’ve read within the genre. Something feels odd about her, but you cant quite out your finger on it or fathom why she makes you feel so,uneasy. I basically thought she was going to mess with the readers mind there would be a whole “ nothing was as it seemed” twist but boy was I wrong, every idea I prematurely held about the way this book was going to unravel turned to dust when I hit the chapter told by a new character Ila’s POV and at this point things got really interesting !

This book left me on a cliff hanger nothing was certain, not even the ending and it was left to the readers interpretation, something that always leaves me feeling discombobulated and untethered after finishing a book, it is also an ending guaranteed to leave me thinking about the book and revisiting it in my thoughts for quite a period after I finish that final sentence .

This book was slightly terrifying and one that I highly recommend adding to your TBR pile when it is released later this month , it’s an absolute page Turner! And Creepy AF

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